Sarkin Musulmi alhaji Sir Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto, Sokoto. Date:1968.
“In the new Caliphate, the sultan of Sokoto was given the title of Sarkin Musulmi, leaders of all Muslims, and it was Allah who was the source of all state authority. The territory under the authority of Sokoto was extensive. The emirates paid tribute to the Sokoto Caliphate, and it was Sokoto who sanctioned the appointment of emirs and resolved any disputes over succession. By the early nineteenth century, in northern Nigeria turbans and embroidered tailored robes (called riga in Hausa) were being worn regularly by an Islamic aristocracy which owed political allegiance to the powerful Sokoto Caliphate. The wearing of turbans among the aristocracy, court officials, and retainers associated a man with Islam and, when worn with the riga giwa (a Hausa term meaning 'elephant robe'), marked him as a member of the administration division of the Caliphate." [Arnoldi M., 1995: Wrapping the Head, Crowning
Achievements, UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History].
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Sarkin Musulmi alhaji Sir Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto, Sokoto.
Reviewed by Admin
March 08, 2019

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