Benin Helmet Mask. Circa: 18th century.
This male Ododua helmet mask possibly dates to the eighteenth century and used to be one of the characters of the Ododua masquerade at the Ague Osa ritual, as part of the New Yam festival (Ague), an agricultural rite marking the end of the year. The Ododua royal masks are helmet masks made of bronze. According to the tradition, the Ododua royal masquerades were introduced under Oba Oresonyen's reign (c 1735), as a subsidiary performance to the New Yam festival. The Ododua masquerade is said to honour Ododua, the progenitor of the Benin royal dynasty, and the royal ancestors.
The Ododua masks have important political significance which is suggested by their predominant royal symbolism. The masks are made of precious material - bronze. This mask represents a mythic healer. The iconography of the mask, including the serpents and crocodiles, as well as the grimace of the face, refers to the close relationship between the cosmological order or disorder, the natural world and the kingship. It reflects also the symbolic relation between identified animal species and the powers of the King. The mask integrates also important Yoruba references including the name which refers to the earth deity of the Yorubas and founder of the ancient Ife.
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Reviewed by Admin
May 09, 2019

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