Igbo women at pot firing field, Mgbom village, Afikpo Village-Group.
Women firing pots the traditional way, piling them together, covering them with dry long grass and lighting this. Mgbom village. These are good-sized waterpots. Some of them will be used locally, others will be shipped by canoe down the Cross River from Ndibe Beach for sale, generally to Calabar. Women are scantily dress for the firing. Bringing the dried material for burning to the firing area, which is in back of one of Mgbom Village compound.
"Many compounds have a pot-burning field (ohoho) under the direction of the senior women of the compound. pot firing is done on an open circular ground area behind the quarters, using dried grass and brush. The burning grounds are forbidden to men by lineage rules, and women until recently did not wear cloths during the firing." [Ottenberg, 1968: Double Descent in an African Society; The Afikpo Village-Group, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968]
Source: Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives
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Rare group of Igbo women at pot firing field..
Reviewed by Admin
February 23, 2019

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